I homeschool my children and it's work in process. There's no blue print, no quick fix and it's hard work. It took us three years to find our rhythm, and we're still learning. Most moms I've spoken to are overwhelmed because suddenly they must now teach their children at home, while working from home. These are two major adjustments and disruptions to deal with. And it's not easy. Working from home seemed like a dream when you still had to drive two hours to get to work, or you had to get out of bed in the middle of winter. But actually doing it, is a totally new ball game. And then you still have to teach your child Mathematics and Science. It's enough to drive anyone to despair, tears and frustration. Add lockdown to the mix, and you have a potent and toxic combination that is ready to explode and blow everyone to smithereens. I can tell you that things will get better. Crazy will start being normal, and you will survive this. And yes, you will come thr...