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All I want for lockdown is....sleep

I also thought I was a productive person but after looking at the Facebook status of many people I realised that I'm so far from it. 
At first I was in awe of all these creations that were being showcased on Facebook. And then I  looked on Instagram and I became depressed, really depressed, wondering if I was the only one in the whole world who was not in the mood for baking or cooking. 
All I wanted to do was stay in bed and stare at the wall until lockdown was over.

And when I imagined all the cooking and baking going on in other houses I got more depressed. 
Someone posted a fat juicy steak on Instagram and my first thought was how do you cook a steak that thick. And I sunk even deeper into depression because my steak cooking abilities are so bad that we  stopped buying it. And we all pretend that we don't eat it. The only words concerning meat in our home are pork, beef and chicken. And we break it further down into mince, wors and bacon, but we don't ever speak about steak. 

To add to my feelings of misery my sleep pattern just went completely hay wire. I couldn't go to bed on time and I couldn't wake up on time. I was just tired all the time and I woke up later and later every day. And it felt there was nothing I could do about it.

Then to add insult to injury, those who were not cooking and baking were encouraged to learn a new skill, or open a new online business. Really? The only skill I'm interested right now is how to stay optimistic every day, and all I really wanted to do was... nothing.

That's when I decided enough is enough. Okay, not really I just started feeling guilty about not wanting to do anything. And then I started feeling overwhelmed because suddenly there was so much to do and I didn't know where to start. There was work. And homeschooling. And studying. And being a mom and a wife. And cleaning and cooking. Plus I couldn't run. I couldn't go for coffee with a friend.
All I had was the walls closing in.

Then I made a pact with myself. Every day I will set three goals. I have to thank Douglas Kruger, South African author and renowned speaker for this valuable lifesaving tip. He was talking in a video about how to become a high achiever in business, and said that you only need three goals every day to achieve great things over time. Bless that man for giving advice that made my life a thousand times easier..
I'm not running a business, I just wanted to feel motivated enough to make my bed in the morning and setting three goals for the day was doable.

And what were those three goals? Make my bed, take a bath first thing in the morning, do schoolwork with my children. And I started cooking  and baking. Nothing fancy, I still need to feed my family.

Let me just say having a patient husband who understood that I just needed a breather helped a lot. And now I'm back. Whenever I start feeling overwhelmed I go back to my three goals for the day, and start from there. 

It's interesting that since I started with three goals a day, I find that I can actually do more. And yes, I have actually learned new skills. Nothing big, but it's something else that motivates me.

Now I just have to work on my sleeping pattern.

Let me know how you cope in this weird and crazy time. And share how you are feeling.


  1. Definitely going to start on the 3 goals a day plan. I guess that's where all the mayhem comes in, thinking we should be doing way more than that.


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