There comes a time when you have to be negative to be positive There is nothing like pain to make you negative and just plain bitter. And from that pain stems so much negativity that if negativity was part of a diet you could feed an entire nation, if not the whole world on it. That's how much negativity you can carry inside of yourself if you've been hurt or disappointed. Those are the moments that you want to scream or vomit when you get served with a dose of positivity. Anyone who dares tell you about how great life is and how grateful you must be for what you have, will either get the evil eye, a cold shoulder or screams and insults hurled at them . There are few things more irritating than a positive person when you're drowning in a sea of negativity. You will end up feeling sorry for yourself and filled with so much regret for all the times you messed up and all those opportunities that you missed. In these moments even that job that you ...