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Why you should allow yourself to be negative... for a while


There comes a time when you have to be negative to be positive

Woman sitting on bench, staring at the sunset

There is nothing like pain to make you negative and just plain bitter. And from that pain stems so much negativity that if negativity was  part of a diet you could feed an entire nation, if not the whole world on it. That's how much negativity you can carry inside of yourself if you've been hurt or disappointed. 

Those are the moments that you want to scream or vomit when you get served with a dose of positivity. Anyone who dares tell you about how great life is and how grateful you must be for what you have, will either get the evil eye, a cold shoulder or screams and insults hurled at them

There are few things more irritating 
than a positive person 
when you're drowning in a sea of negativity.

You will end up feeling sorry for yourself and filled with so much regret for all the times you messed up and all those opportunities that you missed. In these moments even that job that you hated so much will seem so much better than where you currently are. At least you had something, instead of this big fat nothing that has become your life. Or so you think.

But there are times that you must embrace that negativity. Wallow in the self pity. Cry those bitter tears. Blame everyone you need to blame. Regret those opportunities you didn't take. Be angry at life and say it. 

Face your pain head on. You have to. Denying what you feel and pretending that you're fine will just lead to a slow death. 

One of the greatest injustices 
is to say that you're fine 
while your heart is breaking. 

You owe it to yourself to be honest with yourself. 

But before you can reach the point of feeling good about life you first have to face your demons. And that can be extremely ugly and extremely painful. It's brutal and it's hard. And you'd think that you'd rather die than face the pain you're feeling. But it needs to be done.

For you to start living 
you have to feel the pain of dying. 

You have to feel your heart breaking. You have to see your dreams disappearing and your hopes dying. You have to feel your heart screaming silent screams as it is breaking into a million pieces. You have to experience the pain as your heart contracts inside of you and you can't breathe as pain and the despair overwhelm you. You will reach a  moment where you can't tell where the pain begins and you ends. It will be messy

It might be ugly. It will be hard. 
But do it anyway.

Be in that moment. Live it. Feel every emotion. Embrace it. Face that darkness and see what it has done you. And conquer it.

Now you start fighting for your happiness, for your peace and your life. Now you are ready to accept that you deserve better and you deserve more.

Now you are ready to start living. Now you can start breathing. Now you can become who you were meant to be.

hand reaching out to the rays of the sun

Don’t stay in the darkness. Don’t drown in your pain. Don’t hold on to the grudges and the hate, the blame, the anger, the resentment. Let. It. Go. Let go of all those ugly emotions that have been holding you prisoner for so long. Let. It. Go. And start living.

And start remembering who you are, who you were truly meant to be. 

You have been dead for far too long. 

Let the light of love shine 
into the depths of your soul 

and reach the dark hidden spaces in your soul. Let the innermost corners of your heart be soothed by the beauty and the power of the light. Let your healing begin. You are worth it. You owe it to yourself to start living. To breathe in the beauty of life and love with all the splendour and the power, to start remembering what love is.

You can not appreciate the light if you haven’t faced the darkness. For you to heal you have to face your pain. For you to live you have to conquer your fear.

Sunset with beautiful flowers

Feel the negativity. Feel the ugliness. Feel the despair, the hopelessness, the emptiness. Feel the fear. But don’t give into it. You are stronger than any emotion, stronger than any thought.

The road to recovery is long and painful but it is worth it. And you have to fight for it. You have to fight for your happiness, your peace, your joy. You have to fight for all those beautiful things you want from life, for your desires and your dreams. You have to fight for the life that you want.

Overcoming the negativity is only part of it. But to overcome something you have to face it, and to face it you have acknowledge it. You have to be honest about what you feel, and how you’re feeling. No excuses. No judgement.

To reach the top of the mountain, you have to go through the valley. Not one person on this earth has been spared from pain, no one has been spared from loss. No one. But we’ve lived to fight it and to overcome it. And it’s a life long journey.

Let your journey begin today. Let your better tomorrow start right now. Don’t deny the pain. But don’t let it rule your life. Don’t let the fear stop you from living and trusting again. 

Open yourself up to what is 
and what can be. 
Let go of what could've been
and what was.

Face the negativity but don’t let it define you. That is not who you are. You are not the pain. You are not the anger. You are not the bitterness. You are so much more and so much bigger. And you deserve so much. You are worthy of so much. Believe it.

Cry your heart out. Let your tears wash away your pain, and your anger, your despair and your anguish. Cry for all your losses and your disappointments. Cry for the ones you’ve hurt. Cry for your regrets. Cry for yourself, for all those moments that you’ve suffered and nobody heard you. Cry for all those moments you felt unheard and unloved and ignored. Cry for all those moments you wasted on people who didn’t deserve your love or your time. Cry until you have no more tears left. And then cry some more

Woman faces covered with tears in her eys

Cry until your heart feels lighter 
and you start feeling 
a little flicker of hope in your soul.

Let that flicker be your compass. 

Let that little light be your guide. And begin to live again. Start believing in the possibilities of life. Start believing in love again. Begin to trust again. Learn to trust yourself again.

Celebrate life’s little moments. Start seeing the beauty around you. Start telling yourself a good story. 

Remind yourself again how amazing you are. 

You are loved. You are precious. You are brave and courageous.

Hand holding written sign with words

Believe in yourself again. Believe in your dreams again. 

Believe that beautiful things are possible for you. 

Believe in the wonder and the magic and the beauty of life again. Listen to your heart, it never lies. Trust you intuition. Trust God. Believe. Wit faith all things are possible.

And never, never give up. Have faith. Have hope. And be you. 




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