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Why are you poor |Why are Christians always the ones struggling?


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All I want for lockdown is....sleep

I also thought I was a productive person but after looking at the Facebook status of many people I realised that I'm so far from it.  At first I was in awe of all these creations that were being showcased on Facebook. And then I  looked on Instagram and I became depressed, really depressed, wondering if I was the only one in the whole world who was not in the mood for baking or cooking.  All I wanted to do was stay in bed and stare at the wall until lockdown was over. And when I imagined all the cooking and baking going on in other houses I got more depressed.  Someone posted a fat juicy steak on Instagram and my first thought was how do you cook a steak that thick. And I sunk even deeper into depression because my steak cooking abilities are so bad that we  stopped buying it. And we all pretend that we don't eat it. The only words concerning meat in our home are pork, beef and chicken. And we break it further down into mince, wors and bacon, but we don't ever s...

The armour of God - Inspiration and Motivation

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Saving? You mean I can actually do this?

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