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Homeschooling, the easy way

If ever anyone promises you that they know homeschooling the easy way, run away as fast as you can.

There is nothing easy about homeschooling. Imagine baby-sitting your children for the entire day. Now tell me if that sounds easy.

Also, don't be sucked into all those endless activities where everyone tells you how your child must take part in one activity after another. You will hear about terms and conditions that you'll find nowhere else, except in the homeschooling community.

And those smiling moms with the amazing homeschooling blogs and the oh-so-awesome arts and crafts that always come out perfect and look so amazing? Don't be fooled by them. 

Homeschooling is anything but easy and it's nothing like traditional school.

The most important thing is to drown out all the noise and focus on your child and their needs. Pay attention to what works and what doesn't work for you as a family. The beauty of homeschooling is that you decide on the routine, the work and the program. You decide on when to do what and who's going to do it.

There'll be days that homeschooling will feel like an absolute breeze and you feel like Wonder Woman and Power Girl all in one, as your children do their work without complaining and they pay attention to the lesson, and actually look like they're enjoying it. You'll have moments of intense feelings satisfaction, smugness and pure and utter relief that you finally got this.

Then there will be days that you think you were absolutely stark raving mad to think that you could ever get the hang of it. You will frustrate each other and the day will feel like one long battle zone with no end in sight. No one would listen to you, they'll hate everything you're trying to teach them. Someone will end up crying, and often that someone will be you. You'll feel powerless, frustrated, angry and like a total failure. Can I just say that it's totally normal to feel like that?

On days like these, just take a break. Relax. Do something silly that doesn't sound like educational and school, but more like fun, enjoyment, laughter, relaxation. Taking a few days off from school has never killed anyone. In fact, your children will love you for it. And you will love yourself for it.



Homeschooling isn't easy. It takes a long while before you find your rhythm but when you do, life becomes an easy flow. 

Don't buy anything yet. The internet is the most wonderful source of information and amazing gems that will keep on giving as you long as you keep on searching.

Find what works for you. Take the time to figure things out. Don't panic about children's education. They will surprise and amaze you at the most unexpected moments with their insight and their knowledge. 

Just find your rhythm. Talk to each other. Share the responsibilities. 

Reach out to other homeschooling moms, it's a very supportive community where everyone will share their experiences with you and support you. 

You are not alone. We've all had our moments of intense doubt. Joy does come. You'll get to know your children in so many ways. You'll see them turn into independent human beings who have their own minds.

One more thing, plan as far ahead as you can. Don't overdo it. Plan for the week ahead, it will help you so much. And it will save you time, energy and loads of frustration.

Homeschooling isn't easy. And it's not school. You'll exhaust yourself if you try go the traditional school route. Find the approach that works for you and your children. Be flexible. Be open to suggestions from your children. Don't be rigid. 

As you find your rhythm you'll find the fun, and you'll begin to enjoy the process of unlocking your child's mind. You'll find that there's no need to fuss.  

As much as you're teaching them, they will teach you too. It will become a rewarding experience with so many beautiful moments in between. You'll discover so much joy in just spending time with your children and really getting to know them. 


Don't be too hard on yourself. Take it one day at a time. Enjoy the journey. And just breathe.


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