Proverbs 3:5 (NKJ): "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."
We only trust what we know and understand. And for us to trust God we must take the time to know God.
But how do we get to a point where we know God enough to trust Him? How do we get to a point where we acknowledge God in everything that we do, that He becomes a natural part of our every day lives?
It starts with renewing your mind, and this will only happen over time. We have to renew our minds with the Word of God. This will make us aware of God's love, His power and His goodness. And it will change our mindset.
It's extremely difficult to trust God or to get to know Him, when you enjoy being negative. It's hard to trust God when you can't see His goodness in the every day little things that we take for granted. That's why trusting God has to start with renewing your mind.
But what does it mean to renew your mind? Where do you begin? You start by thinking of the Word of God. And then you go one step further by starting to apply it in your own life.
When you say, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Start believing that God is your Provider and He will provide in everything that you need, even it feels like the most ridiculous thing to say. Say it, anyway. It will feel strange at first to say this and to believe it, especially when you are in financial difficulties, and you don't even have enough to get by. Keep on saying it, still.
To renew your mind in God, is to hold unto Him in times of uncertainty and doubt. Like now, during this lockdown things are very uncertain, we're not sure about anything, we don't know how things are going to be when the lockdown is over. But now is the best time to trust in the Lord. Now is the time to rely on God more than anything. And if you don't know where to start, just start reading your Bible, and think about the Word of God.
I know they are many people who have turned the Bible into a book of punishment, judgement and condemnation. These are the people who know the Bible back to front, and they know how to bash you, break you and destroy you by using the Word of God. Don't rely on them to teach you the Word of God. Trust God enough to teach you Himself. Get to know Him personally by spending time with Him through His word. And you will be surprised.
Don't you think it is time for you to find out who God really is?
The Word of God is for healing, restoration, salvation; it is to remind us of the promises of God.
Once we know and understand that God's will for us to bless us and for us to prosper, His desire for us is for our lives to be good, for things to flow, for us to grow in Him. But to understand God's will, we must know how He is. And once we begin to know HIm, it will be so much easier to acknowledge Him.
The mind is very powerful. Our minds can keep us prisoner, and it can keep us stuck. It's not life, or people, or circumstances that keep us stuck, it's our minds.
That's why God reminds us to renew our minds day after day, so that we can prove what is that good and perfect and acceptable will of God. Day after day means every day we have to renew our minds, it's a process that never ends, it's continuous. It doesn't' stop with just one Bible verse, that's only the beginning.
What is wonderful about the Word of God, is that once you get to know God He takes you deeper and deeper into His word, and you grow more and more in Him. And the more you know God, the more you want to know Him.
Just open your Bible, and look for one verse, find just one verse that speaks to you right now, just one verse that moves you from within and give you a glimmer of hope. And then hold onto that verse every time you get worried, afraid or feel hopeless. Find that one verse to comfort you, and that reminds you of God's goodness, to remind you that God hears you, so you can know that God is still alive, that He hasn't disappeared, that He hasn't left you, He hasn't forsaken you, He hasn't abandon you, and He loves you. And think about it day after day, until you start to believe it.
You don't have to understand it, even if you don't get the message, it's okay. You've already taken the first step to understand God. God works in processes but not like the ones in the world. He works according to His own processes where He prepares you for what He has in store for you. Are you open to God to start His process in your life?
Are you willing to let God teach you how a new way of thinking and living?
Focus on God. Think about His love. Hold onto His promises.
But how do we get to a point where we know God enough to trust Him? How do we get to a point where we acknowledge God in everything that we do, that He becomes a natural part of our every day lives?
It starts with renewing your mind, and this will only happen over time. We have to renew our minds with the Word of God. This will make us aware of God's love, His power and His goodness. And it will change our mindset.
It's extremely difficult to trust God or to get to know Him, when you enjoy being negative. It's hard to trust God when you can't see His goodness in the every day little things that we take for granted. That's why trusting God has to start with renewing your mind.
But what does it mean to renew your mind? Where do you begin? You start by thinking of the Word of God. And then you go one step further by starting to apply it in your own life.
When you say, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Start believing that God is your Provider and He will provide in everything that you need, even it feels like the most ridiculous thing to say. Say it, anyway. It will feel strange at first to say this and to believe it, especially when you are in financial difficulties, and you don't even have enough to get by. Keep on saying it, still.
To renew your mind in God, is to hold unto Him in times of uncertainty and doubt. Like now, during this lockdown things are very uncertain, we're not sure about anything, we don't know how things are going to be when the lockdown is over. But now is the best time to trust in the Lord. Now is the time to rely on God more than anything. And if you don't know where to start, just start reading your Bible, and think about the Word of God.
I know they are many people who have turned the Bible into a book of punishment, judgement and condemnation. These are the people who know the Bible back to front, and they know how to bash you, break you and destroy you by using the Word of God. Don't rely on them to teach you the Word of God. Trust God enough to teach you Himself. Get to know Him personally by spending time with Him through His word. And you will be surprised.
Don't you think it is time for you to find out who God really is?
The Word of God is for healing, restoration, salvation; it is to remind us of the promises of God.
Once we know and understand that God's will for us to bless us and for us to prosper, His desire for us is for our lives to be good, for things to flow, for us to grow in Him. But to understand God's will, we must know how He is. And once we begin to know HIm, it will be so much easier to acknowledge Him.
The mind is very powerful. Our minds can keep us prisoner, and it can keep us stuck. It's not life, or people, or circumstances that keep us stuck, it's our minds.
That's why God reminds us to renew our minds day after day, so that we can prove what is that good and perfect and acceptable will of God. Day after day means every day we have to renew our minds, it's a process that never ends, it's continuous. It doesn't' stop with just one Bible verse, that's only the beginning.
What is wonderful about the Word of God, is that once you get to know God He takes you deeper and deeper into His word, and you grow more and more in Him. And the more you know God, the more you want to know Him.
Just open your Bible, and look for one verse, find just one verse that speaks to you right now, just one verse that moves you from within and give you a glimmer of hope. And then hold onto that verse every time you get worried, afraid or feel hopeless. Find that one verse to comfort you, and that reminds you of God's goodness, to remind you that God hears you, so you can know that God is still alive, that He hasn't disappeared, that He hasn't left you, He hasn't forsaken you, He hasn't abandon you, and He loves you. And think about it day after day, until you start to believe it.
You don't have to understand it, even if you don't get the message, it's okay. You've already taken the first step to understand God. God works in processes but not like the ones in the world. He works according to His own processes where He prepares you for what He has in store for you. Are you open to God to start His process in your life?
Are you willing to let God teach you how a new way of thinking and living?
Focus on God. Think about His love. Hold onto His promises.
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