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Twelve signs that you are being an arsehole


There are a shocking amount of arseholes in the world. And at some time or other, all of us have been one. We all have our moments of being temporary arseholes. That's okay.

The problem is the permanent arseholes who go out of their way to make your life miserable and at times unbearable. And they never show any remorse or apologise. If you do get an apology from them, it is so half-hearted and filled with excuses that you're not sure if they are apologising, or are they blaming you for the apology or blaming you what they are apologising for. Sounds confusing? If you want to live life in a permanently confused state, start hanging out with a permanent arsehole.

There are different degrees of arseholism. But these are the twelve signs that you are behaving like an arsehole 

1. You enjoy crushing people's dreams

Are you the one who's quick to tell people that they will never amount to anything and that they will never achieve their dreams? Or you make fun of anyone who dares to dream bigger than you, and has a vision for their life? Guess what, you're being an arsehole.

2. You enjoy it when bad things happen to people

Bad things happen to people. People have to deal with terrible things. You, the arsehole take immense pleasure when someone life is destroyed. It gives you joy when things of wrong, especially when you thinking it's someone who thinks they are better than you. Instead of compassion, you show happiness when disaster strikes in someone else's life. And if you were competing with that person for whatever reason, it makes their suffering so much sweeter for you.

3. You are beyond stingy

It's a great feeling to share things. It's even greater when what you share changes someone's life or day. Aresholes hate sharing. They would rather hold onto their stuff, or let their food rot than share it with someone else. Even if they don't want something they would rather throw it away than give it away. You can be in great need and they may be able to help, but first, they'd want to humiliate you, if ever they decide to help you.

4. You are self-entitled

You think the world owes you something. You can't stand it when someone else has something that you want and you can't have it. You want things without having to work for it. And you think bad things should only happen to other people, not you, because they deserve more than you.

5. You are an evil whisperer

You are one of those people who whisper little whispers in people's ears and plant little seeds that can grow into big poisonous trees that destroy relationships. You are the arsehole who says, "I will never let my husband treat me like that" or "Didn't you wear this dress at last year's wedding?" or how about "When are you getting a new car?" as you stare disapprovingly at your friend's car, knowing that the last instalment has just been paid on the car. You are the arsehole who identify fractures in a relationship and leave careless whispers in the ear of the one partner who trusts you and then watches silently as the couple start tearing each other apart after you've planted enough poisonous seeds. And you usually whispers when no one else is around, except the person you are whispering to. You retreat into the shadows once you've planted a seed in the unsuspecting person's mind who was foolish and naive enough to trust you. Arseholes come in all shapes and sizes, and snakes are their favourite shape.

6. You think you are superior

You are an arsehole when your friend congratulates you on a milestone and you say, "Don't worry, someday you will also have a car/house/husband like mine." Friends don't desire each other lives, they celebrate milestones and are happy for each other's successes. If you think someone's friends with you because they admire you so much that they want what you have, either you have the wrong friends, or you are just an arsehole.

7. You are a cheapskate

Arseholes don't like paying for things. You are the one who let someone do a job for you and then demand all kinds of last-minute changes and then refuse to pay when the job is completed. You're also the one who will impress the girlfriend with expensive things but who's always broke when you hang out with your friends. You're also the one who always "forgets" their wallet at home when you out with your friends and promise to pay them later, but never do. This is not the same as when you're going through a tough time and you don't have money now or then. This is you always not having money to contribute to anything. 

8. You don't apologise

You are an arsehole if you can't say sorry and mean it. But I guess that's too much to ask if you always see yourself as the victim. Because how can you apologise if you are never wrong, and everyone else is out to get you? Well, that's exactly what makes you an arsehole.

9. You are abusive

This makes you a triple arsehole because you are abusive, a coward and a bully. That makes you a triple arsehole. You think you can fix anything with aggression and threats. But you're just an awful excuse for a human being. And you enjoy seeing fear in people because that makes you feel powerful. But actually, you're nothing other than an absolute coward. And you like screaming in people's faces when you get rubbed the wrong way. You bully your co-workers, you threaten and beat your wife and your children, and you're probably a cheater too. You belong in a special category of arseholes, reserved just for you. You don't talk, you scream and you're a nightmare to work with if you are the one in charge. You lack even the most basic intelligence to have a decent conversation, and you don't know how to settle any disagreement, except through screaming and threats of aggression. You are beyond ignorant, but you're just too stupid to know it.

10. You are a racist

You are in the same class as the abusive arsehole. And you're a mean piece of work. You hate everything and everyone that are different to you or your idea of what normal is. You like to target people based on the colour of their skin and the language they speak. You refuse to speak any other language except your own, and you also like to settle things with aggression, threats and violence. You're in the same undesirable league as the abusive arsehole: ignorant, loud, aggressive and just plain stupid. 

11. You are homophobic

You hate gay people. You go out of your way to make life miserable for them. And you enjoy humiliating them whenever you come across a gay person. You are so disgusted by them and you want everyone to know about it. That makes you a super arsehole.

12. You spread fake news

Yes, I said it. You are an arsehole if you spread fake news and swear by it without checking the source

These are just my take on being an arsehole. Like I've said, in the beginning, all of us at one time or other behaved like an absolute arsehole, but we apologise and we try to change our behaviour when we realise that our words and our actions have hurt someone. Many times, when our bad behaviour has been exposed it serves as a wake-up call to us. And we work on it.

But when ugliness is who you are, you will enjoy being an arsehole because hurting people is your thing and you thrive on it. You only feel empowered when you are destroying someone else because your soul has been destroyed, and you don't know what it means to be happy. 

What are other instances where you think someone is being an arsehole? Please share your thoughts with me.

Photo by Emil Kalibradov on Unsplash

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash


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